Friday, July 30, 2010

I get by with a little help from my friends.......

Okay so I am gonna do something I have wanted to do for some time now. Jump on the bandwagon and create a blog. It's not a blog just about's gonna be about anything. I may blog to yell at someone I wouldn't yell at in real life...cuz I am a nice person and nice people don't yell! HA! We just keep it bottled up inside until we explode one day.....I don't want to explode so I will yell here!

I have been having trouble with creativity lately, and I am hoping to channel it somehow by doing this blog. After hours upon days of boring, menial work you kinda lose your creative edge.

I don't have many friends or may not want some people to see this, so it probably won't be read by many....and that is ok. But if you happen upon this blog feel free to cyber stalk it.

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