I've never been positive about much. Never even been sure that anything I did was the right thing and always question and analyze things, but there's one thing I'm sure of...one thing that no matter how much I question it...it just feels right and I feel hopeful about it. I suppose my lesson in patience is still ongoing.
It's nothing to do with my brain.....this feeling comes from somewhere else. They say follow your heart especially with matters that are important to you. I've never NOT listened to my brain. It's always been steering me on.....usually on the wrong path because it's to busy criticizing, analyzing, over thinking, and trying to keep me afraid. So I've missed out on so much in my life, missed out on things I've wanted to do, dreams I wanted to follow.
But for once I'm following my "heart" because the heart doesn't think....it feels. And sometimes things just need to be felt and not thought about. If you shut your mind off for a bit and just focus on the feeling you get when you think of something. You can't explain it but you feel it and then you know what's right. Call it intuition or whatever but I'm gonna follow that for a change. Thoughts are just that..Thoughts. but when you feel something it's usually right.
Ahh I try to explain what's in my head but sometimes I don't think I get it out right .